Getting The Analytics Edge: Grow Your Skills by Learning Einstein Analytics By Behzad Richey

In this hands-on workshop, you'll import a dataset, choose visualizations that help to explore it, and create your first interactive analytics dashboard. Bring your computer: you'll leave with a skill that could take your career in an entirely new trajectory.

Prior to this workshop, please ensure you have access to a Salesforce instance with Einstein Analytics by visiting:

Also, consider taking this basic intro to Analytics:

Behzad Richey

Behzad is a Senior Product Manager at Salesforce, leading Einstein Analytics mobile products. Prior to becoming a product manager, Behzad was a mobile engineer on the Salesforce mobile team. He was also one of the very first mobile engineers on the Einstein Analytics mobile team, delivering the launch of Salesforce Analytics on mobile in 2014. Behzad has a master's degree in Computer Science from University of Southern California, and a bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering from University of Florida.

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