Become the Ultimate Digital Storyteller! Master the Secret Art of Lightning Pages! By Jeffrey Scott

Set aside the limitations of the home page and throw away everything you thought was possible with a Lightning page layout. This interactive hands-on session will forever change the way you tell digital stories that drive adoption!

Jeffrey Scott

For Jeff Scott, “embracing life” is not just a lofty ideal; it is his way of life. Jeff has over 23 years of CEO/CIO experience and has been building innovative tech startups in Orange County since 1995. His current focus as CEO and lead technical architect is Software Anywhere, a mission-driven cloud software provider building applications designed to drive 100% user adoption on the Platform.

Inspired by Marc Benioff and the Salesforce Foundation, Jeff and his team are pushing corporate philanthropy to the extreme. In August 2016, his team of 10 employees achieved the first major milestone of $10,000,000 in community impact in under 10 years. The movement known as the "Power of 10" has become a platform for inspiring and teaching other for-profit organizations how to create long-term sustainable giving programs while exceeding all of their corporate goals.

While working hard, Jeff’s “embracing life” mantra also drives him to play hard. He is an accomplished musician and sailing fanatic. With his strong commitment to family, Jeff considers his role as a devoted husband and father of three the most rewarding of all.

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Force Academy