Continuous Integration for the Everyday Admin By Carlos Villalpando
You want to understand the tools used in open source community projects like Outbound Funds and Interactions! You want to gain access to the tools used in contributing to open source community projects like Outbound Funds and Interactions! You want to understand the value that CumulusCI has on open source community projects like Outbound Funds and Interactions! You want first hand experience to see how easy it is to contribute to an open source community project like Outbound Funds and Interactions! You want to use this tools to make your deployments easier! This is the session for you!
Carlos Villalpando
Carlos has been working on IT strategy for the last several years architecting, developing and re-engineering processes to make them efficient and aligned with the business that they serve.
He truly believes that IT is a tool for the business and it should flex to the needs of it and not the other way around, it is straightforward for an IT solution to force the industry to adapt, but it has to be the other way around.
Cloud computing has allowed business and IT departments to deliver solutions that bring value and are provide it more efficiently.