I Fell in Love with Clicks AND Code: Here's what I Learned in Relationship Therapy By Daniel Stange
The Lightning platform enables both Admins and Developers to build customized logic in ways that no other platform offers. Flows, processes, workflows and Apex code can sit side-by-side to accelerate even the most complex business processes.
Let's face it: In a fresh org, you can easily build with "Clicks Not Code". But how do you learn to align legacy code and new declarative customization’s to design reliable and scalable application with Clicks AND Code?
I will run you through typical scenarios and show where (and how) Code and Clicks work together harmonically. And as this relationship sometimes get complicated, I will bring a few scenarios where our clicks AND code couple clashes - let's stick our heads together to apply some best practice and patterns as a therapy!
Daniel Stange
Daniel is a 17x certified Salesforce professional (and 406 badges Trailhead Quadruple Ranger) working as Technical Architect for DIA die.interaktiven (www.die-interaktiven.de), a gold-level SI partner in Germany. He's a co-leader of the Frankfurt / Germany Salesforce User Group and speaker at Dreamforce and global Dreamin' Salesforce community events. Daniel is working on the Salesforce platform since 2014, with a strong focus on DevOps, APIs and integration topics, Salesforce core technologies and the Einstein platform.
Twitter: @stangomat
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/daniel-stange-08474a49
github dstdia
Trailhead: https://trailhead.com/me/stangomat
Blog: blog.danielstange.de